When your network traffic passes through a carrier’s lines, it is no longer a LAN, it is a WAN. A WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network (usually connecting two…
Faster than the speed of business
You have lists of contacts all over the place-in your e-mail, instant messaging, your phone directory and more. It would be extremely convenient to have those contacts aggregated in one…
Fiber Optic Communication
Fiber-Optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that…
LATA, IntraLATA and InterLATA – Explained!
The landmark breakup of the AT&T monopoly in 1984 has provided unprecedented choices for consumers and businesses alike. No longer are customers tied to only one source for making local…
What’s the difference? HD vs Megapixel
When a customer inquires about a HD or Megapixel surveillance camera you must be able to define the difference as well as provide the best possible solution for each application….
Choosing the Best Phone System for Small Business
Business phone systems are likely to vary from the smaller end of the scale all the way to the top. Since the phone is often the easiest way to reach…
Is Structured Cabling Essential?
In a word: yes! What exactly is structured Cabling? Structured cabling (also called structured wiring) is the term which refers to all the wires, cabling as well as electronic components…
Why your Telecommunications and Wireless Provider is “just not really that into you”
Or should I say they’re “just not as into you” as they have been in the past. One of the major issues all of us hear from mid-market businesses is…
Door Access System is a Must Have in Any Building
Yes, I don’t wish to sound blandiloquent or a blatteroon when we discuss about the need for a good security system. There is no amount of words to describe the…
Good reasons a Wireless Surveillance Camera System is Far better
There are a lot of different advantages to going with a wireless surveillance camera system over a wired system, but here we are going to focus on three main reasons….